


Example model of Fault Propagation usage

In this model there are separate functions of Pressure, Flow and Temperature on the output of each bottom objects . Testing should be performed with the 3 pressure sensors, 3 temperature sensors and 1 inline flow sensor utilizing the Fault Propagation capability of eXpress to remove the visibility of the functions of non-concern.
In this model there are separate functions of Pressure, Flow and Temperature on the output of each bottom objects .(Shown between the Fuel Pump and Fuel line 2 at the right)
Testing should be performed with the 3 pressure sensors, 3 temperature sensors and 1 inline flow sensor utilizing the Fault Propagation capability of eXpress to remove the visibility of the functions of non-concern.
The Pump and valve should use the active mode on the output because they include control inputs. All other elements should use Passive mode to pass through the 3 functions
Here the test has designated ECM-FW (PRES3) failed as an anchor insuring that the coverage passes through this point and then the analsyst can utilize the Fault Propagation editor to turn off failures of flow and temperature so that these items are moved to interference and can be turned off.
When diagnostrics are run the detection will not include the items turned off and the flow diagram will be simpler. Tests for each Pressure, Flow and Temperature can be then segregated this way separating the testing into 3 simpler system faults.