


Instances and Duplications


Feature Description



The Instances column allows the Analyst to specify whether or not the Spreadsheet Topology Import should create multiple instances of an object, based on information in a column in the spreadsheet. This column can contain either the number of instances to be created, or a set of semicolon-delimited labels, each of which will be assigned to a different instance. If a net is listed for an object with multiple instances, each instance will be linked to the same net.


Unlike instances, duplications represent multiple copies of sets of imported objects and nets. They are handled automatically by the Duplicate Topology import mode of the Spreadsheet Topology Import. Duplications should be thought of as a one-time action (since the Update Topology import mode removes all duplications). If the Analyst expects to re-import topology, the repeated sections of the design should be represented as separate rows in the spreadsheet, rather than using the "duplicate" option during import.