Default Design Status Checklist values in eXpress are the phases of the Military Procurement cycle (CONCEPT, PRE-PDR, PDR, PRE-CDR, CDR, FINAL). The analyst can change these values by defining a Design Status Checklist Attribute. Attribute Definitions - Checklist
To replace the default values with user-defined values, simply create a checklist attribute named “Design Status” and associate it with the entire Design. Next, on the design Attributes panel, add the desired status labels as separate entries within the checklist. When you return to the Design Comments panel, these labels will be listed in the Context Panel Status dropbox (see below).
If numeric values have been associated with the individual entries in the checklist attribute, then the labels will be listed in ascending order of their assigned values. Otherwise, the list will be alphabetized.
Internal design status settings are correctly updated when an object is selected by double-clicking when in the Operating Mode editing mode.