


Mission Phases Attribute


Feature Description

Checklist attribute Associated with Operating Modes in eXpress Diagnostics to segment model according to usage in the Mission phases of the system. Also used to indicate Failure Effects associated with Mission Phases in FMECAs.
When a mission phases Attribute (“MissionPhases”) has been defined within an eXpress model, then additional options will become available on the Severity tab on the Failure Effects panel.
When using “Failures by Mission Phase”, a list of checkboxes will appear, allowing you to select the phases that apply to each lowest-level object effect (other effect types inherit phases from their causes).
When using “Severity by Mission Phase”, a single dropbox allows you to assign different severities to the various mission phases associated with each failure effect.

Usage of Mission Phase Checklist Attribute in FMECA

To include mission phases in an eXpress FMECA chart, simple enable the “List Failures by Mission Phase” checkbox on the new Failure Effect Options panel before generating the FMECA.

As it will appear in the FMECA when setup as above