


Override and Special Attributes Overview

The Override and Special Attributes capability allowsa the Analyst to View the model checklist Attributes in each category within the Show window of the Attributes Definitions panel.
Open Attributes definitions Window
At the bottom of the Attributes Defintions window select the red O to open the panel shown below
In this panel with the checkbox "eXpress Overrides" checked, the analyst can view the usage of customizing settings on the General "Checklist Attributes"  of the categories shown in  the left column. 
This panel can also be used to view the controls on checklist attributes using for the "eXpress Overrides" on Special Purpose Attributes such as SeverityRating on Risk Priority Numbers etc.
This panel can also be used to view the controls on checklist attributes using for the "eXpress Overrides" on Option Modules Attributes such as Maintenance Action Type  or Alarm Failures used in STAGE