


Color Templates Options


Feature Description

ICON at bottom of Color Template
Selecting the Settings ICON at the bottom of the Color Template will open the Panel shown to the right with it's default settings.
In the first three of these panels, the analyst has created labels for the different colors that have been assigned to the different objects, I/O flags and nets that appear in the design (the fourth panel shows the different port types that are used). When the analyst clicks on an object, I/O flag, net or port, the appropriate panel is activated and the corresponding color label will be highlighted within the legend.
For large projects in which color-coding must follow certain modeling conventions, the prescribed colors (and their labels) can be saved to a template file which can be distributed to other modelers to assign to their own design files. This is done using the Color Legend Options dialog (which can be invoked by clicking on the small icon in the lower right-hand corner of the Color Legend dialog).
At the top of this dialog is a dropbox listing all Color Legend templates that currently reside in the eXpress templates directory. To load color labels into a design, simply select the template from the list and then click on the “OK” button at the bottom of the dialog.
In the middle of this dialog are a variety of options allowing the analyst to customize and manipulate the Color Legend.
In the bottom portion of the dialog the analyst can choose the action that is performed when he double-clicks on an entry in the Color Legend. The default action is to pop-up a dialog allowing the label to be edited for that color. Alternatively, the analyst can specify that double-clicking on an entry will automatically assign that color to selected elements in the design. Another option will result in all elements assigned the selected color being highlighted in the design (with all other objects temporarily turned gray).
All in all, the eXpress Color Legend provides the analyst with a powerful new tool that can be used to document project conventions, encourage consistency across designs, facilitate color assignment, accentuate design organization, communicate more clearly with customers and other engineers, aid in demonstrations, and better understand the information that eXpress conveys using color.