


Object Failure Modes Panel


Adding/Observing Failure Modes in Context Panel

The Failure Mode Panel provides the interface to create and edit failure modes.  These can also be edited in Grid View. Two filter boxes have been added to the Failure Modes panel, allowing the Analyst to filter the displayed failure modes by name (substring filter) or by whether they affect no functions, all functions, a single function, or more than one function.  When failure modes are filtered using one or both of these boxes, the ability to add new failure modes will be temporarily disabled.
To create a failure mode, type its name into the list entry marked by a green asterisk (*) on the object Failure Modes panel. The Percent field is used to enter the percentage of failures for the selected object that result from that failure mode. The number at the bottom in parenthesis is the unapportioned percentage (remainder) of object failures. If the Analyst creates failure modes and assigns ratios which total over 100%, this number turns red indicating an over-apportionment.
The window on the right side of the panel (Affected Functions) lists all of the functions on the selected object (grouped by port). If a checkbox contains a checkmark, then the corresponding function is always affected by the selected failure mode. A box containing both a check and a question mark indicates that the function is sometimes affected by the failure mode. A blank box means that the function is not affected by the failure mode. The Analyst can toggle through the possible options by clicking repeatedly on the checkbox.
Click in the field with the green asterisk (*).
The insertion point is showing and the field is now ready for Analyst input.
Type a name for the new failure mode and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
The new name shows in the Failure Mode panel.
Select (highlight) the new failure mode and enter a percent value representing the failure ratio.
The failure mode ratio value is calculated into the remaining failure mode apportionments.
Click repeatedly on those functions that are affected by this failure mode until the proper relationship is established (Sometimes Affects or Always Affects).
Either a checkmark (Always Affects) or a checkmark with question mark (Sometimes Affects) will appear in the box for each affected function.
For more detail regarding the creating and defining failure modes, see also: Failure Modes