


Object Failure Effects Panel


Adding/Observing Failure Effects in Context Panel

Object Failure Effects are created in the Object Failure Effects panel. In eXpress, failure effects can be assigned both to individual objects and to an entire design. Object failure effects are defined using the failure effects panel that appears when a single object is selected.
In eXpress, failure effects are initially defined for individual objects (with failure modes as their causes) and then later at the design level (with the defined object failure effects as their causes). These design failure effects automatically become object failure effects at the next higher level of the design hierarchy. Object failure effects thus need only be defined for components (not assemblies, since their Effects will have been inherited from below). This means that upper hierarchy levels, which often contain only assemblies, may only need to have design failure effects explicitly defined.  The illustration below shows how failure effects would be “linked” in a typical hierarchical system.
See Also: Failure Effects