


Diagnostic Flow Table Setup

Diagnostic Flow Table Setup

Report Contents

1. Report Contents
The option dialog for this report (depicted at right) now allows you greater control over the content and layout of the report. A fair amount of the report content is now optional, including the Test Set, Previous Step and Next Step Details. New content has been added as well. You can now include the test description, step type  (Detection Test, Isolation Test, etc.), as well as Analyst-defined outcome labels. You also now have the option to list fault groups in their own steps, rather than in the Next Step column of the test that isolates to each group. H

Contents Options

2. Contents Options
You can specify whether or not context prefixes should be included for the lower- level items in isolated fault groups.  This option (which is enabled by default) can be disabled by selecting the new “Include context for lower-level items” checkbox on the options dialog. Also, the items in each fault group can now be listed in probability order. This new setting on the report’s options dialog  works the same way that similar options do in the Diagnostic Flow Diagram and DiagML exports.

Report Format

3. Report Format
The report can now be generated in four formats—RTF, Excel, XML and “Legacy” (the tab- elimited RTF format used in previous versions of eXpress). You can specify the format using the dropbox at the bottom of the dialog.

Generate Report

4. Generate Report
Generate Report

Cancel Setup

5. Cancel Setup
Cancel Setup (Abort)