


Diagnostic Reports Overview

When a diagnostic study is edited, the Reports menu will contain three submenus: Study Reports, Detection Reports and Isolation Reports. The various diagnostic reports can be generated by selecting the corresponding entries within these submenus. Many useful listings are subreports of other eXpress reports (for example, many of the reports used when verifying a hierarchical eXpress model are invoked by clicking on hotlinks within the Study Statistics Report). 
Note: Most diagnostic reports cannot be created if diagnostics have not yet been generated or are out-of-date.
Model Diagnostics Reports
Study Reports
This Hierarchical statistics report shows all the hierarchical elements of a model. There are hotlinks upto 10+ subreports that can aid in validating the model prior to analysis. (number of subreports will vary with model)
The Failure Rate by Category Report depicts the amount of the overall system failure rate that is associated with various Analyst-specified categories. This report—which can be invoked by selecting “Failure Rates by Category” from the “Study Reports” submenu in a diagnostic study—has been designed to represent the results as graphs. Although, by default, the report is displayed in MS Excel, you can also opt to save the data to an XML file.
The Functional Hierarchy Report provides the Analyst with a way of tracing the connections between upper and lower level functions and objects. This report, which can be invoked by selecting “Functional Hierarchy…” from the Study Reports submenu within a diagnostic study, bases its depth of analysis on the expansion defined on the Hierarchy panel for the diagnostic study. Here is an excerpt from a Functional Hierarchy Report that was generated for a design whose hierarchy was expanded to include all levels
Provides the Analyst with all the settings that were put in for the current diagnostic sequence
Prognostic Reports
The Prognostics Effectiveness Report show a Summary of the Prognostic Performance Statistics and Prognostic Details.
Detection Reports
The Detection Order Report shows the total detection tests used in the diagnostic and gives the statistics of the detection including the Aggregate failure rate and Mean time between failure of the design. It shows the breakdown of each test and how many functions it detected and the probability detected
The Detection Coverage Report shows Detection Test Coverage for each detection test  The Detection Coverage Reportalso includes list of non-detected Non Detected Functions, & Non Detected Failure modes.
The Detection Graph Reports shows The increase in detection for each detection test showing in graphical for the manner in which the Total Probabilty reached the max that the detection tests could detect. This chart is very good to show the difference in the detection algorithms as can be seen below.
The Item Detection Report allows the Analyst to view the failures in a system in 4 ways, By Item, By Failure Probability, By Probability Detected, by% of Probability Detected
Isolation Reports
The Fault Isolation Report shows the Fault Group sizes, Isolation Percentages, Isolation Effectiveness and other statistics
The Fault Group Rankings Report show the top Fault Groups ranked by Ambiguity, and/or Criticality, and/or Time and/or Cost to the depth selected by the Analyst (defaulted to top 15 fault Groups)
The Fault Group Statistics Report of each fault group for Cost, Time, Severity, Failure Probability with all options selectedthis Report can be quite large.
Shows fault Group statistics segregated for selected Operating Modes, for detection isolation as selected and Lambda search settings (0 to 100)
Ranks the points in the system to detect faults, showing the percentage detected and Usage of each to isolate.
Shows probability detected with each detection test and isolation to number of fault groups and minimum fault group size of that Ambiguity set (Effectiveness of Isolation)
Table showing detection and Isolation in table form of the graphical diagnostic flow diagram on the eXpress Window. Used where the Graphical Flow diagram is too big to publish
Diagnostic Validation Reports
5 Column Customized to Analyst checkboxes of up to 5 selectable attributes for a repair Item (Used to show multiple Items with Analyst selected title)
2 Column Customized to Analyst checkboxes of up to 2 selectable attributes for a repair Item - Requires EXCEL or XML format for 2 Analyst selections
Shows the Aggregate Failure rate of the entire model with breakdows of each item
Shows the fault group for each detection test and assigned fault code. [NOTE: Analyst must have set up fault codes to use this report)
The Desktop Fault Insertion Report is a checklist customized report to show Inserted Faults,  Root Failures,  Filters,  Fault Signatures, Test Sequences,  Fault groups and fault codes Excel Spreadsheet or XML Report must be used with some check boxes  Format (attributes cannot be included in the default RTF format).
Many of the metrics that appear in these reports conform with definitions provided in various military and industry Standards, Handbooks and Publications.