

  • Reports, Lists and Listings Overview

Reports, Lists and Listings Overview


How to Work with Reports, Lists and Listings

eXpress Reports, Lists and Listings menus contain many entries (up to 90+ dependent on model contents). Samples of All Reports,Lists and Listings
Reports can be generated by selecting the corresponding links within this menu. Many useful Lists and listings can also be generated as subreports of other eXpress reports (for example, many of the reports used when verifying an eXpress model are invoked by clicking on hotlinks within the eXpress tool. Reports can be classified into multiple classes, based on the type of document from which they are generated. Click on one of the following links to learn more about the reports that can be generated within different eXpress. Following is a brief discussion of each of the main reports that eXpress is capable of making. In addition there are many Model Statistics Item lists subreports not defined here. The link to each of the following reports show a sample and setup if options are required.