


Ability to Export FMECAs by Context

Feature Description 


Ability to Export FMECAs by Context

When exporting eXpress FMECA charts, the Analyst now has the choice to export the rows related to each hierarchical
context into a separate worksheet (when exporting to an Excel spreadsheet) or a separate file (when exporting using the CSV format).
A new FMECA Export Options dialog (shown at right) now appears when you invoke either of the options in the Export section of the File menu within a FMECA Study. It also appears when you export by clicking on the top left cell of a FMECA chart in eXpress.
Note: You can only export by context when the optional “Context” column is included in the eXpress FMECA chart.

Expanded Options for Handling Failures with No End Item Effect

Within FMECA studies, the "Exclude Failures with no End Item Effects" checkbox that previously appeared on the Failure Effect
Options panel (shown below) has been replaced by a dropbox.
Ther are four options for handling failures that have no end item effects:
1)     Exclude failures with no End Item Effects - this option excludes failures that
2)     Include failures with no End Item Effects - this option adds non-propagating failures (failures
that are not nth-order causes of at least one top-level design effect) to the generated FMECA chart.
The rows containing non-propagating failures are color-coded red so that they can be easily identified.
Note: This option is equivalent to disabling the "Exclude Failures with no End Item Effects" checkbox in previous versions of eXpress.
3)     List failures that don't propagate to the top - this new option results in only non-propagating failures being listed in the
FMECA chart (with all rows color-coded red). Although this option does not generate "meaningful" FMECAs, it allows the
Analyst to easily identify non- propagating failures in large systems.
4)     List failures excluded due to settings - this new option causes the FMECA to list only those failures that were excluded
due to the usage setting on the failure effect or calculation options in the FMECA study. Non-propagating failures are not included
in the chart for this setting.