


FMECA Plus Naming Options

Feature Description 

The FMECA Plus Options dialog allows you to specify the way in which item context  information appears in an eXpress FMECA chart.
The FMECA Plus Options dialog is invoked by clicking on the icon depicting a gear on the FMECA Plus Options dialog (shown at left).
By default, item contexts are now constructed solely out of assembly names. Using the FMECA Plus Options dialog (shown below), you can select the previous method (where the filename is used as the context when a given lower-level model is linked to only once within the hierarchical design).
You can also choose to construct the context out of attribute Test limits assigned to each assembly in the context path.
Settings ICON shown at left opens window shown below to set up naming Options
By default, item reference designators are used to construct the context— provided that they are only assigned to a single object. If the same item reference is used on multiple objects, the object abbreviation will be used. The Analyst can choose to always use item reference designators within the context (regardless of uniqueness) or to always use the object abbreviation.
Method Window Options
Attribute and Item Name windows greyed out for "Use Filename for Single-instance Models"
Item Name window Options if "Use Assembly names for all models" (Default)  is chosen in window shown above
 Attribute Window Options if "Use Attribute on Assemblies for all models" is chosen  in window shown above
Context strings are now built starting from the top-level assembly. The previous method—in which context strings are built starting from the lowest-level assembly in the context path that is uniquely linked— can be selected on the Advanced FMECA Options dialog.
All these settings are saved with the FMECA study. If the “Use these settings for newly created studies” checkbox is enabled on the Advanced FMECA Options panel, the settings will be saved to the Windows Registry and then used as the default settings for new FMECA studies.