


Model Design Reports

Feature Description


Model Design Reports
This report lists all Objects and their descriptions with optional links to model Objects - RTL, EXCEL, or XML
The Design Statistics Report contains data that can be used to validate and verify a single eXpress model file. In addition to containing counts of the various entities that comprise the model, this report also contains hotlinks upto 40+ subreports that can aid in validating the model prior to analysis. See Study Statistics Reports for Hierarchical model statistics (number of subreports will vary with model)
The Design Hierarchy Report lists the individual design files that collectively comprise the hierarchical system represented by a given eXpress design. The Design Hierarchy Report, which can be invoked by selecing "Design Hierarchy" from the Reports menu when an eXpress  design file is being edited, is useful for both documenting and troubleshooting design hierarchy.
Feedback Loops need to be addressed in Modeling. closed loop situations such as hydraulics may be normal but many feedback loops are caused by poor or no or incorrect function dependecies.  The "Feed back loops report" will show where Feedback loops occur in the model.
The Name Mapping Report provides a cross reference between the abbreviations assigned to one or more eXpress elements and either descriptions or attributes assigned to those same elements. The specific element types covered by this report are objects, I/O flags, ports and nets. The Name Mapping Report, which can be invoked by selecing "Name Mapping..." from the Reports menu when an eXpress design file is being edited, is particularly useful when integrating multiple designs from different providers.
Duplicate Element Type names in eXpress are not allowed. This report will show the Analyst where there is a conflict. This is very useful when two models are merged. Duplicates will also show up in grid view in "red" . The report can speed correction time.
The Fault Codes Report allows you to list fault codes generated within eXpress, along with a list of the items or root failures that are associated with each code. You can also include attribute data in the report when you select Excel Spreadsheet or XML Report as the Report Format (attributes cannot be included in the default RTF format).
The Model design reports provide the analyst with the capabilty to validate that the model properly represent tht system being modeled and contains the proper Test limits for the attrributes. The design statistics report includes up to 60 subreports to identfy all entieis of the model necessary for good diagnostics. Following are links to samples of each type of design report and additional links to the many sub-reports.
How To Activate: