


Test Set Contents Report


Feature Description 

Model Test Set Contents Report
The Model Test Set Contents Report shows the Test Type, Class Filter if applicable, Test location, Test Details (interference setup), stimuli for path based tests, Covered Functions, Covered Failure modes, and Non detectable Failure modes
Using right hand button, when a test set is selected the "Reports"/"Test Set Contents"  the Test Set Contents window will open
The underlined Items in the Report are links back to the item within the model. Clicking on an underlined item in the report will return you to the model.
The Test Set Contents Report  has been formatted using full width tables to better support the wrapping of long names. The text in the test set and test description fields now appears in this report and covered functions/failure modes are now listed in separate sections to facilitate the test validation and verification.
For this example only the first test has been shown (A group test made up of two Analyst initiated subtests). The first subtest1 was modified to show failure mode coverage and the second subtest2 was left with functional coverage to show both ways the report shows the coverage. This sample shows only a small sample of the actual report [choosen to show all that can be shown as covered in the test.]