


Cost-Based Prognostic Candidates Setup


Feature Description 


Cost-Based Prognostic Candidates

The Prognostics Capability in eXpress is an Advanced Feature requiring licensing beyond basic licensing. However this report is available in all eXpress FMECA's because it  only shows candidates for prognostics by ranking.
The Prognostic Candidates Report now includes Item Replacement cost among the criteria that can be used to rank prognostic candidates.
To take item cost into consideration when ranking candidate failure modes, edit the number next to “Replacement Cost” in the Ranking Critera section to reflect its relative importance within the final rankings. Then, select the desired attribute from the dropbox to the right (which will contain all monetary attributes defined for items).
You can now also select the attribute to be used when Replacement Time is used within the report. (The corresponding dropbox will contain all time-based attributes defined for items).
To include a column in the report containing the item cost for each candidate failure mode, simply enable the Replacement Cost checkbox at the top of the dialog. This column can be included even if item cost is not involved in the candidate rankings.