


Item Detection Report

The Item Detection Report allows the Analyst to view the failures in a system in 4 ways:
With this report the Analyst can determine where to apply effort improving testing.  This report data can also be generated to an Excel spreadsheet or saved within an XML file.
In this sample of the Item Detection report we see each Item alphabetically sorted Alphabetically showing the failure probability of each item and the probablitiy that it will be detected if it fails.
In this sample of the Item Detection report we see each Item alphabetically sorted by "Item Failure Probability" showing the highest failure rate item  and the probablitiy that it will be detected if it fails.
Here you can see that we have 4 items with high failure probability but they are 100% detectable.
We also can see that there are 4 Items with fairly high failure rate 3.25 (hydraulid Lines RR Line --FS Line ) that are not detectable indicating we might need higher reliabiltiy items, additional sensing or testing to detect failure.