


Detection Coverage Report

Report Overview
The Detection Coverage Report contains detailed data about the tests used in the detection sequence in the current diagnostic study, as well as a list of those output functions and/or failure modes that are not detected within that study. Although the information in this report is typically used for understanding or improving the diagnostic capability of a system or device, it can also be used as an aid during model verification.
Detection Coverage Report - Options Dialog
The information in the Detection Coverage Report is divided into two sections:
The following options can be specified using this dialog:
Section Control - this section contains three checkboxes that allow the analyst to specify whether or not to include the following three sections of the report: Stimuli ("List Stimuli for Each Detection Test"), Explicitly Non-Detectable Functions and Failure Modes ("List Non-Detects for Each Detection Tests"), and Non-Detected Functions/Failure Modes ("Include Section for Functions Not Detected").
Report Format - this section consists of single dropbox which allows the analyst to select whether the report is to be generated in RTF or XML format (for RTF reports, the analyst can also select whether or not the report should contain hotlinks). When the Detection Coverage Report is being loaded from a previously-saved XML file, then only "RTF R