


Selecting Test Set Usage

Feature Description


Test Set Folders are color coded by their usage

eXpress uses color coded test sets and allows them to be designated according to their usage. There are 4 standard usages (Detection & Isolation, Detection Only, Isolation Only, Prognostics). There are two Advanced featured tests Sets used in Advanced licencing capabilities (Not featured in this help file). Finally there is a Non-Diagnostic test set designation to allow building tests that will not be used in diagnostics (Automatically building effects, etc.Dynamic Causes on Failure Effects).
When Diagnostics are run Fault Detection and Isolations Tests [Ex. ] will show up in both the Detection Candidates window and Isolation Candidates window
When Diagnostics are run Fault detection only tests [Ex.. ] will only show up in the Detection Candidates window.
When Diagnostics are run Fault Isolation only tests [Ex. ] will only show up in the Isolation Candidates window.
When Diagnostics are run Prognostic tests [Ex. ] will only show if the Prognostic Candidates window is selected
Template-Based Fault Detection Tests are only used in The Maintenance   (Advance feature requiring special Licencing)
Explicit Inferences Tests is part of a feature under development for future Design Statistics Reporting

Setting up Test Sets according to their Usage in Diagnostics

1) Choose the test set shown in the window using procedure shown in  Viewing existing Test Sets
2) Possible usages will show when the left mouse button is held down in the context panel Usage: window
3) Set the usage by clicking on the desired usage as shown here.  left hand mouse button
For this model the different usages and colors are shown here. The Analyst needs to select the appropriate usage.
Note the possible usage types and the color used for each.