


Dynamic Causes on Failure Effects

Intermediate or design effects can be linked to a test or a class, with causes for each effect calculated dynamically based on the coverage of the specified test. Each function and/or failure mode in the test’s coverage will be mapped to their corresponding object effects—which will then be used to populate the causes of any failure effects linked to that test or class
For designs in which tests can be developed to represent symptoms, the work put into developing tests can now be leveraged by linking failure effects to those tests. This can greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to develop a FMECA for eXpress designs where you have already “put in the work”, so to speak.
As with any failure effect, you can view the calculated dynamic causes on the Causes tab of the Failure Effects panel. The only difference is that dynamic causes cannot be edited.
Error messages help identify issues with this feature:
    “Assembly Causes Excluded for Dynamic Effect”
This message appears when dynamic causes cannot be calculated for one or more assemblies on a failure effect. This occurs when effect-based coverage is not used for assemblies that appear in the coverage of the linked test associated with that failure effect. The severity of this message (probable error by default)—is Analyst-customizable.
    “Bad Test Link on Dynamic Failure Effect”
This message is generated when dynamic causes cannot be calculated on a failure effect because the linked test no longer exists in the model. The error message’s severity (probable error by default)—can be Analyst-customized.