


How to create Failure Effects Linked to a test

How to create Failure Effects LInked to a test
You can create a set of linked failure effects by:
1) Highlight one or more tests or test sets and right click to popup menu.
2) Select "Special" from menu
3) Select “Create Failure Effects" from menu as shown
When Create Effects on the panel shown above is selected the Dialog window to the left opens.  Dynamic Effects can be crested for both Design Effects and Intermediate Effects.
1) Select desired Effect type (here shown as "Design Effects")  in the Create Window
2) Select "Dynamic" in the Method: checkbox
3) Select OK  and the dynamic Effects will show up in the Context panel when the "Effects with Dynamic Causes" is selected as shown below
Existing Failure Effects can also be updated to use dynamic causes. Simply click on the “Dynamic Causes” checkbox on the new Details tab of the Failure Effects panel.