


Failure Effects with Dynamic Causes Overview


Feature Description


Failure Effects with Dynamic Causes

The evolution of eXpress has produced a superior and better appoach for creating FMECA Failure effects. Because Testing of the system is to determine failures within the system the current recommended testing method utilized in eXpress uses failure mode path tests. By using these failure mode path tests, the tests can be linked to create the Design Effects thus tying the testing to the failures of the system.  This approach of using path based tests ties the upstream dependencies of the test location to the linked Design Effect providing a flow down of the Design Effect to its root causes.  In eXpress this approach is called "Failure Effects with Dynamic Causes". In addition when using this approach, changes to the system automatically get updated into the Design Effects of the system when the new tests are included thus elliminating FMECA and FTA updating. The FMECA and FTA's must be remade but now include the system changes automatically.
The Following Links show the How to's for achieving this approach to Design Effects.