


eXpressML  Overview

eXpressML Module
Advanced Feature - Use of eXpressML  Controls requires licensing beyond basic licensing. Help files will be delivered with Licencing
eXpressML is an XML schema that has been specifically designed to represent the data in an eXpress model.  The eXpressML  in eXpress allows you to export and import design data to and from this format.
When the eXpressML  is both licensed and enabled, you can export design data to an eXpressML file by clicking on the icon depicting a blue canister on the Design Export toolbar (depicted above). The eXpressML Options dialog (depicted at right) will then appear: At the top of the dialog is a dropbox that allows you to select from eight predefined export configurations. (You can also create your own configurations for use in future exports.) The dialog has two panels. The “Simplified” panel (depicted at right), allows the Analyst quick and easy control over the type of data to be exported. The layout of this panel is similar to that of the eXpress Topology Export.