


Hierarchical Test Options panel


Feature Description

Hierarchical Test Options panel

Inherit Lower-Level Attribute Values check

1. Inherit Lower-Level Attribute Values check

Check for Attribute Definition Mismatches check

2. Check for Attribute Definition Mismatches check
When this option is enabled (which it is by default) then, when you attempt to inherit test Attribute values (during either the creation or updating of hierarchical tests), eXpress will first check whether the Attribute values can be validly inherited. If the Attribute definitions don’t match in the source and destination models, a message will pop up preventing you from completing the operation.
When there are lower-level test Attributes that are either not defined in the upper-level model, or are not associated with tests in the upper-level model, you will be given the opportunity to decide whether to continue anyway (when there are conflicting definitions, you are not given this option).

Automatically Select Singleton Test Locations check

3. Automatically Select Singleton Test Locations check
A particularly useful option (new to this version) is the ability to “Automatically Select Singleton Test Locations”. When this option is enabled, the test location will automatically be selected for hierarchical tests that can only be performed at a single location.
Note: Because only singleton locations are automatically selected, the Analyst should run the hierarchical error checker after updating existing tests using the “Update Lower- Level Inheritance” option.This will point out situations where locations may not have been selected for certain lower-level tests.

Inherit Test Outcomes check

4. Inherit Test Outcomes check

Inherit Test Descriptions check

5. Inherit Test Descriptions check