


Handling of Duplicate Names

Because the eXpress Spreadsheet Topology Import uses entity names or abbreviations to identify different design elements, the eXpress Model topology export will automatically rename duplicate object, port and net names to enforce uniqueness (it will also assign unique names to unnamed elements in the eXpress design). Because renamed elements could prevent the source design from being updated using exported data, a prompt similar to that depicted below will appear when the Analyst invokes the eXpress Model topology export for a design containing duplicate object, port or net names:
If the Analyst selects "Continue" at this prompt, the eXpress will automatically rename duplicate elements in the exported spreadsheet file (but not in the original model). When an object or output port is renamed, names will be exported for all output functions associated with that object or port (as if they were Analyst-defined, rather than automatic, functions). In order to minimize this, duplicate objects and ports are renamed as follows:
When a duplicate object, port or net is renamed, a number (enclosed in angle braces) is appended to the name in the exported spreadsheet file. For example, if two objects were named "Box A", one of these objects might be renamed "Box A <2>". For unnamed elements, a name is assigned using the element type and a number, both enclosed in angle braces. For example, an unnamed port might be renamed "<port 1>".
Note 1: Because names in the eXpress design are not affected by the renaming feature, exported topology data containing renamed elements should not be used to update the original design. Instead, use the renamed elements in the exported data as a guide for creating unique names within the design file. Once the names have been updated in the model, the Analyst can re-export topology and use that spreadsheet to update the original design.
Note 2: Because I/O flags with duplicate names are treated as the same flag in eXpress, it should be remembered that if as design within duplicate I/O flags is exported and then reimported into a blank design, the uniquely-renamed I/O flags will now be treated as separate design I/Os.