


FMECA Failure Effect Options Setup

FMECA Failure Effect Options Setup

Local Effects

1. Local Effects

Next Higher Effects

2. Next Higher Effects
window Possibilities
The first two dropboxes on this panel allow you to select the way in which Local and
Next Higher Effects (NH) will be determined during FMECA generation.
These dropboxes allow you to specify other approaches to determining Local and Next Higher Effects.

Top-Level Design Effect

  "this dropbox is no longer used "disabled")
3. Top-Level Design Effect
(a third dropbox indicates that top-level design effects are to be used as the End Item Effects;
See Advanced FMECA Options below as to how Top level Effects are now to be determined


MInimum End Item Severity

4. MInimum End Item Severity
Window Dependent on Attributes defined by analyst. Seletion will determine the depth by Severity of the FMECA .
Selection can assist the analyst to show the most significant effects and ignore in-significant Effects such as loss of noise immunity etc.

Advanced FMECA

Effect Usage Options

5. Advanced FMECA 
Effect Usage Options
Opens the Panel shown Below:
Checkbox 1: Filter Local and Next Higher Effects by End Item usage - used where Failure modes are defined at the top level and their effects should show both as local and end item
Checkbox 2: List End Effects as Next Higher (NH) Effects at the top Levle  - Causes End Item Effects to show also as Next Higher for hierarchical FMECA's
Checkbox 3: List Effects of Excluded Effects - Lists Effects that have been excluded by the window selection shown below
Checkbox 4: Exclude Effects of List Effects - If checkbox 3 is choosen the Effects of the those Effects that are listed as exclude can then be Turned off in the FMECA

Faillures with No End Effects

6. Faillures with No End Effects
Possible Window Selections:
This selection window is primarily used to troubleshoot the FMECA. Failures that are not set up correctly will show up in the FMECA in RED  (NO end Item Effect, do not propagate and are exclude by stteings)