


Background Annotations


Feature Description

It is often desirable to place pictures and objects on the design in such a way to convey grouping, object proximity, schematics overlays, etc. This can be achieved by using background annotations. Because background annotations cannot be selected in the design sheet, other objects can be edited without the annotations getting in the way.

How to Put Annotations into the Background

Highlight the annotation to be altered
Choose the Details tab within the context panels
Mark the "Keep Annotation in Background" checkbox on the Details panel.
Once the annotation is de-highlighted, it will no longer respond to standard mouse clicks on the design sheet. In addition, it will immediately fall in back of all other regular objects.

How to Restore Background Annotations to their Normal State

Highlight the background annotation by holding down the Control key on the keyboard while clicking on the annotation on the design sheet.
Alternative: Select the annotation from the ANNOTATIONS folder in the Explorer Tree.
Select the Details tab from the context panels.
Unmark the "Keep Annotation in Background" checkbox. The annotation will once again respond to standard mouse clicks.
As a result of restoring normal behavior, the annotation will immediately jump back to its regular front-to-back ordering position prior to being placed in the background. This may cause it to again appear on top of other objects.