


Automatically creating Background Annotations


Feature Description

With Cursor over object select Create Background Annotation as shown at left
Resulting Background with color set to tan
Use for emphasis or describing items or showing subsets of a model
Use CTRL key to select Annotation for resizing etc.
The Create Background Annotation operation automatically creates a background annotation enclosing a set of selected (highlighted) components, assemblies and/or connectors.

How to Put Annotations into the Background

Highlight the object(s) around which the annotation is to be placed,
Right-click on one of the selected objects (or on the design background) to display the pop-up context menu for objects.
Alternative: Select the Objects entry in the Design menu.
Choose "Create Background Annotation" from the Objects submenu.
The newly created background annotation will be placed behind all other objects. The annotation will also be highlighted, thereby allowing the Analyst to easily change its color, dimensions, etc..