


Failure Severity-based Subsets


Feature Description

With failure severity-based subsets, the Analyst selects an operator (e.g., equals) and severity level (e.g., "Degraded Performance"). If a custom severity has been defined, the Analyst will be able to select from the choices defined in the custom severity Attribute. When compiled, the subset will contain all failure effects that meet the specified criteria.
Note: Failure severity-based subsets are populated only when used within an eXpress analysis (diagnostic or FMECA study). Unlike the other subset types, the elements included in a failure severity-based subset are not displayed when the subset is compiled or when active editing is invoked.

How To Create a Failure Severity-based Subset

Right-click on the top-level "SUBSETS" folder in the Explorer Tree and choose "New Subset..." from the pop-up context menu.
Alternative: Choose "New.." from the Subsets submenu within the Design menu.
On the Create New Subset dialog, type in the name to be given to the new subset, select the subset type labeled "Failure Severity-based" and then click on the "OK" button.

How To Define an Failure Severity-based Subset

In the Standard Editing Mode, click on the failure severity-based subset.
Choose the Properties tab within the context panels.
On the Properties panel, select the desired operator (see below) to use when determining which effects to include in the subset.
Select the severity against which each failure effect will be compared when determining which effects to include in the subset.

Failure Severity-based Subset Operators

The following choices are available as operators for the failure severity-based subset.