


Combined Coverage Tests

Feature Description


What are Combined Coverage Tests?

Combined Coverage Tests are Group Tests which combine one or more existing tests into a single coverage test.

How to Setup Combined Coverage Tests

Select Group test
Then select Test Interpretation tab of Context Panel.
Context panel will exhibit the window shown below.
Group tests are created by combining one or more existing tests of the same type (the coverage of the Group test is calculated as the union of the coverages of its constituent tests).
Group tests are often used as “coarse” tests that break up diagnostic ambiguity without looking for a specific failure.
Heterogeneous Group Tests – eXpress allows any type of test to be grouped together. Inspection tests can be grouped with Probe tests, Signature tests can be grouped with User- Initiated Tests, etc.
Hierarchical Inheritance – Group tests are now inherited as individual hierarchical tests which are then regrouped in the upper-level model (rather than as a single hierarchical test).
Subtest Editing in Grid View – The settings for grouped subtests can now be edited in Grid View (when those tests are explicitly selected in the Explorer Tree).