


How to Make Group Tests

Feature Description


Making Group Tests

Step 1
With Tests chosen to Group Select the Group test Icon as shown at right
Window shown below will open
Step 2
Name the Group test as shown at left and select "Create" to make the test
Caution: The Remove Highlighted Tests checkbox is important. If any of the selections are to be used in more than one Group test this Check Box must be blank. Default is "checked" which removes that test from the test set as a single entry. When this box is checked the only place a test will show up is in the Group test and therefore can not be used for making other Group tests. In this example the J3:: GND will be used for other Group tests and therefore the checkbox should remain blank. However the Failure at J3-8::+15VDC_TP will not be used again and should be deleted after the Group test is made.
Choosing a Group test and re-selecting the Group Test Icon will allow the test to be reversed back to individual tests "Separate Group(s) into individual Tests" will no longer be grey and will be selected (default with this choice).
Choosing an Ungrouped test and a Grouped test or 2 group tests and then choosing the Group test Icon will allow the ungrouped test to be added to the group test or create a new Group test with a new name.  The "Add Test(s) to existing Group(s)" will not be Grey and can be selected.