


Net Appearance Ideas


Feature Description


How to setup net Appearence


Standard Net Appearance

(Normal Net) Normal Dependency Paths

Stub Net Appearance

 (Stubbed Net) Normal Dependency Paths where objects are not in line with each other

Pipe Appearence

(Pipe Net) Normal Usage: Fluid, Buses and Power Dependency Paths

Pipe Stub Appearence

(Stubbed Pipe Net) Normal Usage: Fluid, Buses and Power Dependency Path


where objects are not in line with each other
There are a wide variety ways in which net appearance can be used to convey information within an eXpress design. Although different projects/Analysts will develop their own preferences, here are some ideas commonly-used ways by which net appearance can be used to help make the information within a design drawing more easily understood. See Illustration below.
Path Type
Appearance Settings
Traces and Wires
Type: Wire
Color: Black
Routing: Stubs
Type: Pipe
Color: Any
Thickness: 3 to 5
Routing: Full Path
Hydraulic,   Fluid Flow
Type: Pipe
Color: Any
Thickness: 6 to 8
Routing: Full Path
Note the use of color on Electronic Busses and Fluid Pipes. Use of color can greatly reduce quick identification of net type and thus reduce modeling manhours. In most cases it is wize to use stubs for pipes.