


Batch Modify Capabilities Available on Tests


Feature Description

The right-click menus for test and test sets—not the ones used during test editing, but rather the ones that appear when you right-click after having selected one or more tests or test sets in the Explorer Tree—have been reorganized for clarity. Moreover, several useful new operations have been added to these menus to allow batches of tests to be modified with unprecedented ease.
There are three different right-click menus for batch test editing—one menu appears when you right-click on a test (with one or more tests selected), another when you right-click on a test set (with one or more test sets selected) and one when you right-click on the top-level TEST SETS folder. Each menu contains submenus and operations that are suited to the selected scope. One of the most useful sections in these menus—a section that appears in all three menus—is the Coverage & Interference submenu.
The Coverage & Interference submenu, as its name implies, contains operations used to modify the coverage and/or interference of one or more tests. Depicted at right is the submenu as it appears when you right-click on a test set.

How to use the Batch Capabilities on Tests

This menu contains several new operations, as well as operations that were previously available only during test editing.
Three new operations that you may find particular useful are the Batch Enable States, Batch Mark Monitored Stimuli and Batch Modify Coverage & Interference operations. These three operations, along with the Batch Set Test Location(s) operation, appear in the right-click menus for tests, test sets and the main TEST SETS folder.
The following links are to "Batch modify conditions" available on tests