


Stimulus Checkboxes on Test Locations/Stimuli Panel


Feature Description


Feature Explanation requiring no action by Analyst

During test editing, the appearance of disabled stimuli on the Test Locations/Stimuli panel has been changed to provide more detailed information to the Analyst. This is important because, when multiple constraints are applied to a test (in this case, disabled stimuli and test coverage anchors), it is important that one constraint not cover up the presence of another.
When a stimulus is excluded due to the use of a test coverage anchor, an ‘x’ is now displayed in the corresponding stimulus checkbox on the right-hand side of this dialog:
In the example above a Lamp Test was added to the model to illustrate Stimuli control. Here we can see that CH GND, PCM COMM and Software have been excluded based on test coverage filters, whereas Driver Ignition Has a dark X. Two different colors are used for the ‘x’s displayed on this panel. A gray ‘x’ is used when a stimulus was already disabled when the coverage anchor was applied. An olive- colored ‘x’, on the other hand, is used to indicate that a stimulus became disabled as the result of a coverage anchor being added to the test definition. Notice in the test that the items disabled because of the anchor have become interference functions. These can be changed to Extended coverage functions if so desired.  This was done for this illustrations to the battery by choosing the test coverage checkbox in the context panel and changing the brown check to a green check.