


Dynamic Causes on Failure Effects Linked to Failure Classes


Feature Description


Dynamic Causes on Failure Effects linked to Failure Classes

Failure Effects with dynamic causes can also be linked to a failure class, rather than a test. When linked to a class, the effect’s causes will be populated with all failure modes in the local model that have been assigned that class. Note: failure effects can only be linked to failure-based classes; function classes cannot be used to calculate an effect’s causes dynamically.

How to change a Dynamic Cause linked to a test to be linked to a Class

1) When an Effect with Dynamic Causes is selected in  Effect type dialog window above and
2) the desired Dynamic cause "Assy Shorted - Assy Shorted" is selected and
3) Change Link is Selected the  "Link to Test or Class"  dialog window at the right will open allowing
4) the Analyst to change the link to a defined Class which will open the "Select Failure Class for Dynamic Causes" dialog window shown to the right
5) to select the desired "Assy Shorted" Class
6) When OK is then selected the test(s) will be linked to the Failure Class