


Prerequisites to Individual Test Outcomes


Feature Description

Individual outcomes of a multiple-outcome test can now be selected as test prerequisites for another test.
When adding test prerequisites, multiple- outcome tests can now be expanded to list the individual outcomes of that test (as shown in the example at right). You can select an individual test outcome or the entire group test, if the prerequisite applies to all outcomes of that test.
Note: This option is only available for multiple-outcome group tests. Subtests cannot be selected as prerequisites for standard group tests (with combined coverage) or Diagnostic Procedure tests.
On the Test PreRequisites panel, both the subtest and group test names are listed for prerequisites to individual test outcomes. The example prerequisite shown below requires “Outcome B” of the test “Multiple-Outcome Test” to have failed.
Enhancement from earlier version:
The search box at the top of these dialogs has been replaced by a text filter box under the tree. “Expand All” and “Collapse All” buttons have been replaced by a standard Expand (+/-) button.