


Failure Effect Observation Tab

The Failure Effect Observation Tab
When Effect-Based Coverage is enabled, a new “Observation” tab will appear on the Failure Effects panel. For design failure effects, this tab displays the output flags and threads that are associated with the selected failure effect. Specifically, it lists all output flags that are downstream from functions that are affected by one or more failure mode causes of the selected design failure effect.
You can view the specific I/O threads associated with a selected design effect by clicking on the I/O flag icons to expand the I/O branches on the Observation tab (there may be more than one thread for output flags whose roll-up method is set to “Multiple Output”). For each upper-level assembly that links to this model, the output functions that
correspond to each of these threads will be associated with the object failure effect inherited from the lower-level design effect.
Once the lower-level model has been saved, these relationships can be viewed in the upper-level model by selecting an object effect on the assembly and viewing the affected functions on the Observation tab of the Failure Effects panel.
The relationship between object effects and output functions on the assembly should be identical to the relationship between the inherited design effects and the I/O threads on output flags in the lower-level design. These relationships can be edited on the assembly. Simply click on one of the checkboxes to disassociate the selected failure effect
from a given output function.
Note: The Observation tab is only filled out for design effects and for object effects on assemblies. For intermediate effects and component object effects, the list will be empty.