


Fault Isolation Report - Options Setup

The Fault Isolation Report options dialog appears when the Fault Isolation Report is invoked within a diagnostic study. This dialog allows the analyst to specify which sections are to be included in the report, the lambda search criteria to be used, and the report format (RTF, XML, etc.) to be generated.
This following options can be specified using this dialog:
Section Control - this section contains three checkboxes that allow the analyst to specify whether or not to include the three main sections of the report: Fault Group Size Percentages, Isolation Cost and Time Statistics, and Tests to Detect/Isolate a Failure. When the first of these sections is enabled, the analyst can also specify the Fault Group Counting Method to be used in calculating the metrics.
Lambda Search Options - this section (which can only be edited when the Fault Group Size Percentages section of the report is enabled) contains three fields that allow the analyst to specify the lambda search criteria to be used. This field is also disabled when the Fault Isolation Report is being loaded from a previously-saved XML file.
Report Format - this section consists of single dropbox which allows the analyst to select whether the report is to be generated in RTF or XML format (for RTF reports, the analyst can also select whether or not the report should contain hotlinks). When the Fault Isolation Report is being loaded from a previously-saved XML file, then only "RTF Report without HotLinks" can be selected for this field.