


Manage Design Templates for Attributes


Feature Description

To use and existing eXpress Design Template use Manage Design Templates as shown below
The Manage Design Templates Window will open as shown Below
Shown below are four catagories of Attribute Definitions in this model and actions for the Analyst to set the model up with the desired Attributes:
Attribute definitions in the model and in the Template (checked checkboxes)
No Action required
Attribute definitions in the model but not in the Template (blank checkboxes)
User can delete the Definition or Check the box which will Turn on the Publish button so the defintion can be added to the Template
Attributes found in Template but not in the model (Unsubscribed)
When the Attribute Definitions Found only in Template is selected the Delete, Publish and Subscribe button will allow the Analyst to make a choice. Individual definitions can be added by choosing the defintion which will then turn on and Add button to allow the defition to be Added
Attribute definitions that are in the model but do not match the template (shown in red)
User can delete this template or select the  Attribute definition which will open an Update button so the attribute can be updated
When a new design template is defined (Publish) (Also see Attributes) it will be stored in: "C:/Program Files/DSI International/eXpress/templates"
To Select an existing template open Data Source Administration