


Design States Report

ECU Level
Brake (Top Level)
Hierarchical Design State Report is shown here for both the ECU level and the Top Brake level along with the Braking Top Design State 1
Note that both lower level Design states 1&2  are part of the Top Level Design states (Shown at the right). The number 8 shown in the Top level Enabled Column shows the number of  Boxes checked for this Design state. Also note that the posible combination here could be very high (All combinations of Check boxes selected)  Where multiple lower level models exist the number of top level design states can be enormous providing the Analyst with the ability so examine each possibility for its ability to check a differnent path through the design and provide better isolation. 
Therefore: This Design State Report can be of Great Test limit to the Analyst Trying to improve automated BIT Testing.
Also See: Design States Overview & How To's for Design State  Links to 19 helps for Design States
alphabetically sorted by "Design State"
Also alphabetically sorted by Design States by Object and by Design States by Detail