


Object Attributes Panel


Editing Object Attributes in the Context Panel

The Object Attributes Panel provides a list of the Object Attributes which can be viewed as well as edited. This panel is where the Analyst can change values, added descriptions and change source.  Also check out the Grid View for viewing, editing and exporting Attributes.
To set an attribute value for a particular object, first select the desired attribute from the list displayed on the object Attributes panel (which, remember, displays when an object is highlighted). Then, depending on the type of attribute selected, either type a value into the box on the right side of the panel, or select one of the options that are displayed within this box.

Handling of Attributes When Copying Between Designs

When objects, ports, nets, test or test sets are copied and pasted between designs, any attributes associated with those entities (or with the object states, functions, or failure modes that are copied along with the objects) are now compared against the attribute definitions in the target model. If an attribute with the same name and type is defined for that entity type, then the internal ID for the copied value is updated to match that for the attribute definition in the target design. If a match is not found, a prompt will appear asking if you would like to add the attribute definition to the design.