


Mission Phases Attribute-error message

This message indicates that the “MissionPhases” attribute does not follow the requirements for mission phases in eXpress (as explained in the description of the error shown at right).
Note: To modify the error level of this error message, click on the Customize button.
Although the message defaults to being a “Probable Error” (which prevents analysis from being performed), you can use this dialog to select any of the four error levels (Definite, Probable, Possible or Warning).
The “No Causes of Failure Effect” message is now customizable as well. You can select the desired error level, as well as whether a separate error message should be generated for each instance of that error
(a single message is now created by default).
Additional customization options have also been added to the “Failure Mode Affects All Functions” message. In addition to the options available in previous versions of eXpress, you can now select
1)     whether only one failure mode should be reported for each object (the default is “yes”), and
2) whether a separate message should be generated for each instance of that error (the default is now “no”).