


Manage Hierarchical Classes Dialog


Feature Description


How to manage Hierarchical Classes

How to: Open Dialog
To Manage Hierarchical Classes select the class and use right hand mouse button to open Manage Hierarchical Classes Dialog
The Manage Hierarchical Classes Dialog (depicted below) allows the Analyst to manage (using a single dialog) all links from a selected hierarchical class to lower-level classes.
How to: Automatically Select Lower Level Class
In the upper-left corner of the dialog is the Autolink icon outlined in red here. Click on this icon to automatically select all lower-level classes that have the same name as the upper-level class for which hierarchy is being managed.  Or: Manually select each class for the lower model as shown below
Click OK to complete the process
On this dialog, the Assembly column lists all assemblies in the current design and the Lower-Level Class column lists the classes in the lower-level design that have been selected for each assembly. The Analyst can change the assigned lower-level class by clicking on a cell in this column and selecting a class from the drop-list that appears.
Click OK to complete the process
Selecting this ICON will automatically link lower level classes with the same name