


  Setting Classes to On Output Functions


Feature Description

Function Classes are defined by assigning output functions to the class.  Output functions may be assigned to the class either using Grid View or the "Assign Function Classes" dialog.When no object is selected prior to opening the Assign Function Classes dialog then the functions listed will include all functions in the design.  When a selection of objects or ports has been selected then the "Assign Function Classes" dialog will only display the functions for the selected objects or ports. Selecting a class in the dialog will display the list of functions which are assigned to that class.  Deselecting all classes will list all the functions available in either the selection set or the complete design. In the Assign Function Classes dialog, you can use the filter box to limit the displayed functions to only those whose names contain the desired text. This can greatly reduce the effort associated with class editing.  Note: The filter box turns green when text is entered. This will help you to quickly recognize when you are not viewing all elements in a list.

Class Names in Function Name Templates

The output function name may include a reference to the assigned classes using the output name template. When the class name token {* - $C*} is included in the function name template then the class name(s) are automatically appended to the name of any function to which the class has been assigned. When the first class is added to a model, the following prompt appears:
If the the Analysts answers yes to this prompt, then will append the class name token {* - $C*} to the automatic and Analyst defined functions.