


Ability to Select Individual Tests as Candidates for Diagnostics

To select individual tests click on the Test Set Name "Maintainer Detection" with the right hand mouse button to open the window shown at left at the left. All tests in the selected Test set will appear in the left window. Move test to be excluded to the right hand window.
Within a diagnostic study, if you right-click on a candidate test set on one of the three options panels (prognostic, detection or isolation), you can now invoke a dialog that can be used to “Specify Candidate Tests”.
This dialog can be used in two ways: you can either:
1) move all tests that you do not want to use to the “Excluded Tests” list, or
2) you can leave all of the tests in one of the two lists and then highlight those tests that you do wish to use.
When some, but not all tests have been selected as candidates for diagnostics, the test set will be displayed using red text on the options panel. Also, the number of candidate tests will appear (in parentheses) immediately after the test set name.