


Port Details Panel


Using the Context panel for Ports

The Port Details Panel can be used to name the port and provide a description of functions on that port. The Context panel will vary for hierarchtical ports from that shown on the lower level Context Panel for the IO port.  The Analyst can use the “Automatic Naming from Net” feature checkbox to automatically label non-hierarchical ports with the net name (checked by default) or enter unique port names (unchecked). The settings on the right of the Context Details panel are used to set the type of non-hierarchical port or see Changing Port Flow for ports. The Flow Determination field indicates whether the port type was established on a component by the Analyst "User-Entry" for non-hierarchical ports,  or determined based on an assembly’s lower-level model (Bottom-Up Propagation), or defined by the Analyst on an assembly (Top-Down Design Requirement). For assemblies, the port type assignments are usually determined from the lower-level design. By changing the Flow Direction, however, the Analyst can “force” a top-level design requirement not supplied by the lower-level design.
See Also: Ports