


Large System Hierarchical Study Statistics Report Sample

The Study Hierachical model Statistics report shown here is for a large (over 50,000 functions) model. This (partially completed proprietary system) report is shown in this help for illustration only and its subreports are not given.  It is shown here so the analyst will be aware that the number of subreport links will vary with the model and its complexity.
Note the red entries showing unlinked IO's, unused output Functions and Unused Failure modes.  Where these exist the analyst should investigate each to see if they are errors in the model. Unlinked flags may be normal as LED's and test points are not normally linked to the top model. The other 2 Red items are probable errors in this partially completed model. It is also noted here that a hierarchical study report as seen above can be made before the model is complete to aid in finding model discrepancies. When doing this the analyst should insure the hierarchy is set to "All" so all levels will be included in the report.