


DetectionRating Attribute

Integer attribute (defined for failure effects) containing the desired detection rating (manually entered or imported for each object effect). When included in a FMECA, the values from thiscolumn will be used when calculating the Risk Priority Number (RPN). Risk Priority and Criticality Calculations in FMECA
Create an attribute named “DetectionRating” and select Integer as the attribute type. Set up the attribute so that it is only associated with Failure Effects.
Use this attribute to separately define the value to be used for the RPN detection rating for each failure in the FMECA.
Attribute values must be assigned to object failure effects (not design effects). Detection ratings will thus be associated with the failure for each line in the FMECA, rather than the end item effects.
Although this approach allows you to assign any detection rating to any failure, it does not validate the entries. It is up to the analyst to ensure that the assigned detection ratings are valid and within range.
When included in the FMECA, the detection rating attribute will be used (instead of the built-in detection rating calculation) when calculating the Risk Priority Number.
In the example FMECA setup dialog picture at right, the “DetectionRating” attribute is being used to supply the detection rating.
Notice that a double backslash has been inserted between the words “Occurrence” and “Rating” in the name field at the bottom of the dialog. This will cause the two words to appear on separate lines in the FMECA header. Alternatively, you can insert a space to see the two words on a single line in the header.
As with the severity and occurrence ratings, you can override the calculated detection rating by creating a detection rating attribute and then assigning values for each failure in the FMECA.