


Object Details Panel


Feature Description

The Object Details Panel provides the most fundamental object characteristics. This panel is where the Analyst can assign a name, color, type, etc. to the selected object. See the table below for more details.
Allows the abbreviation of the object to be entered or changed. The abbreviation is used to refer to that object on the screen and, if the Item Reference field is left empty, within many analysis reports.
 Object Type
A field listing the Object Type of the current object with the ability to change type in some cases.
 Item Reference
Used to specify that multiple objects constitute a single item (objects in a design with the same Item Reference value will be treated as a single item during analysis). Caution: When this field is used, the Abbreviation value will be used for screen display only.
 Prob. Calc.  Method
Allows a full description to be entered for the object. Descriptions are treated as supplementary information and are not used to identify the object.  The default text indicates the object shape (i.e. "square") which can be edited.
 Object Color
Using various colors for objects is another way to annotate models using the drop-down color selector.
 Object Size
Object Size can be set to specific values for width and height with the option to set aspect ratio.
 Text Color
Selects the color of the object text.
 Text Position
Positions the Text within the object graphic.