

  • Languages


A few areas of the software have been translated into Chinese, including the main folders in the
Explorer Tree, the corresponding entries in the View menu, the main entries in the Design menu,
the tab labels for all Context panels, and text on the AutoSave & Backups panel. Although we are
still a long way from having translated the entire program, we hope that these first efforts will help
Chinese Analysts of eXpress not only feel confident in their understanding of the tool, but also be
better able to share their knowledge with other engineers, management and customers
To display the translated areas of the eXpress interface in Chinese (on a computer whose system locale in Setups
has been set to display Chinese), change the label file for newly- created models to “Chinese (Simplified)”
on the Language panel of the Design Options dialog. Exit the program. The Chinese translation will take effect
he next time that you run eXpress.
Failure Effect Import with Chinese
The spreadsheet Failure Effect Import has been completely rewritten as an internal feature of eXpress
(rather than as a plug-in that accesses model data via the eXpress COM interface). As a result of this change,
Chinese characters are now fully handled during the importing of failure effects.